In addition to his work at the World Bank, Mike serves in advisory capacities for a number of organizations around the world related to innovation and the use of new technologies in education.
Mike is a frequent public speaker and interview subject on the use of technology in education around the world, and on topics related to the use of information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D) more broadly.
Mike provides policy advice, research and technical assistance to governments and organizations seeking to utilize new information and communication technologies (ICTs) in their education systems.
Over the past 25 years, he has been advisor on, evaluator of, and/or working-level participant in, educational technology initiatives in over 70 middle- and low-income countries.
He is also known for his work organizing off-the-record efforts to help groups learn from 'failed' projects and initiatives.
Michael Trucano is a Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution, on leave from the World Bank, where he was the Global Lead for Technology & Innovation in Education, working on issues at the intersection of technology use and education around the world.
• The rise of technology for education: Launch of the Global Reference Group (GPE)
• AI and the next digital divide in education (Brookings)
Mike's essays and publications, which explore findings from emerging research, good (and bad) practice examples from successful (and failed) projects, new technologies and initiatives, are widely referenced and cited by education policymakers and practitioners alike.
Mike was the principal voice behind the influential and widely read EduTech blog.
Recurrent themes in his work include equity and access; "what works" (and what doesn't); new directions in educational publishing & digital learning resources; and emerging good practices related to technology use in education in low resource, rural and/or isolated parts of the world.